Zumba with Lori
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Student Reviews
Fronda Fisher
Fronda has been a member of Totally HIP Fitness since October 2010. She attends three spin classes per week. Fronda loves the format variety along with the high calorie burn that challenges her each week. She still remembers her very first class when she could barely walk down the stairs the next day. She incorporated spinning into her exercise routine to get past her plateau last fall. Since becoming a member of Totally HIP Fitness she has dropped an additional 10 pounds and went from a size 8 to a size 4.
Heather Ludlow
Heather has been a member of Totally HIP Fitness since October 2010. She has lost 40 pounds through spinning at Totally HIP Fitness. She attends 2-3 classes per week. She feels that spinning really clears her head and challenges her physically. At the end of each class Heather states, "I feel strong and ready for whatever comes my way!" Currently with scheduling issues she is only able to take spinning classes but hopes to add additional classes in the near future. Through spinning she has lost weight, increased muscle tone and has much more energy.
Linda Miller
Linda has been a member of Totally Hip Fitness since March, 2011. She has lost over 22 pounds and has gone from a size 12 to a size 6. Linda really enjoys the motivation of the instructors and the fun atmosphere at Totally Hip Fitness. She went to her first spin class with a friend on a whim and after her first class she didn't think she would ever come back because she couldn't do what everyone else was doing. "I sat pretty much the entire first class". However, she kept coming back and now spin is one of her favorite classes. Linda also enjoys the yoga and Pilates classes at Totally HIP Fitness. She completed the Warrior Dash this year in August. This was a huge accomplished, we are so happy for Linda!! With the combination of classes that Linda attends, she has noticed more muscle tone along with thinning of her legs.
Janet Smith
Janet has been a member of Totally HIP Fitness since October 2010. Since coming to classes she has dropped from a size 10 to a size 8 and has lost 20 pounds. Janet not only has started eating healthier which has contributed greatly but also attends 3 Spin classes each week. Spin has changed her life. Although it was extremely challenging at first she looks forward to her great spin workouts each week. Janet says they are never the same and just from spinning she has noticed more energy as well as muscle tone all over.