This class will teach you how to achieve deeper level of mediation. By improvting our circulation, strengthning our organs we can become healthy.
Learn to calm your mind to connect your body and mind for a happier and healthier life.
The mind creates all kinds of thoughts, including thoughts expressing anger, craving, depression, revenge, self-pity, etc. Mostly these thoughts are about the past or future. In reality, the past no longer exists, and the future is a fantasy created by those very thoughts.
Mindful Living means learning to live in the Present, and enjoying the moment.
It is a mental state,or mindfulness achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, whilst calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations.
The use of specific breathing techniques in order to focus the mind, is a way of achieving this mental state.
In other words giving the mind a break from all thoughts. Once you achieve mindfulness the mind will calm itself down and it will kick start the self healing process.