Boxing Instructor , General Fitness Instructor , Kickboxing Instructor , Martial Arts Instructor
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11+ years Experience
Not Your Average Gym
Downers Grove Boxing & Martial Arts is a training facility for martial artists and recreational boxers who are serious about fitness and self improvement. We pride ourselves on providing our members with quality services in a supportive and challenging environment. Our approach to training is surpassed by none and focuses on technique and results. Our goal is to get you to your fighting best, both inside and out! We are not just a gym, but a club. When you join Downers Grove Boxing & Martial Arts you will be become part a community where everyone is dedicated to self defense and fitness. Tell us what your goals are and we will help you reach them! We believe in having fun while getting fit. We know that you won’t want to come train if it’s boring or high-pressure. Our instructors switch up the workouts every day to keep you on your toes and you’ll never be pushed too far. We only ask that you give 100% of yourself when you come.
The main concern for all of our instructors is to make a new student feel comfortable and welcome because we were all there once.
Visit my website for more info