Aerobics Instructor , Boxing Instructor , General Fitness Instructor , Kickboxing Instructor
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11+ years Experience
Co-Creators of the Hit It!® fitness brand, Constance Contursi Barker and DJ KJ® provide a one of a kind fitness experience! Hit It!® Fitness Studio in Roselle and Oak Park IL offers cutting edge group & private programming beyond that of average health club offerings. Our classes are effective & progressive, always evolving with you as your body changes.
2 Convenient Chicagoland locations:
800 Lake St. Unit 110, Roselle, IL 60172
811 South Blvd. Oak Park, IL 60302
Visit my website for more info

Student Reviews
HITT / Tabata
Constance "subbed" this class for Stacy and used Stacy's workout....holy kill me dead batman!!! - Eric L. (09/17/2016)
Hit it! hardBODY
Kevin...just being his Energizer Bunny self and doing what he loves. Cubs themed HardBody tonight to help them with Game 4 plus Kevin DJ'ing his Old Skool Vinyl records! Oh....and he killed every muscle group in our bodies! So glad I changed my mind and came to class today! - Cindy L. (Oct. 19, 2016)
Hit it! Kickbox
The Queen is having fun trying out all different routines on us lately.. love the variety. Oh...and faster tempos - Cindy L (Aug. 30, 2016)
Hit it! hardBODY Extreme chest and front "T" got an amazing workout today. Awesome class! Hit IT! Fitness really makes you push past your strength limits. No class like it!- Chris B. (Aug. 12, 2016)
Boxing Bootcamp
Awesome - Thank you Jonathan! - Patti R. (June 28, 2016)
Hit it! hardBODY
These classes are so freaking addictive - Julia W. (July 25, 2016)
HITT / Tabata
Today's format was a fun one! Increasing rep counts each round (10,15, 20, 25, then back to 20, 10) with laps outside in between rounds increasing from 1 to 4 and decreasing back down. The fact that each class is always different is one reason I am motivated to get myself here every day, especially at 5: 30 am! - Cindy L. (July 1, 2016)
Athlete Yoga
Kathy always seems to know exactly what my body needs that day. It was perfect! - Karen S. (October 18, 2016)
WTF? Bootcamp
Always a great workout at HIT IT! Fitness - Leanne M. (Feb. 23, 2016)
Hit it! hardBODY
Hardbody never fails to kick my butt! - Stephanie E. (Sept. 12, 2016)
Hit it! hardBODY Extreme
Great Class and a stretch at the end - Mark L. (Aug. 4, 2016)