General Fitness Instructor , Yoga Instructor
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11+ years Experience
Carla is the owner of the Stiletto Gym™ and the creator of Polga™ (pole yoga) fitness systems. Carla possesses an ability to create and deliver exciting, dynamic, and motivating fitness classes that are fun to do and easy to follow while at the same time being athletic, powerful and physically demanding. She is a yoga and fitness professional who performs & teaches in the US. Carla provides wellness-coaching services in the area of personal development, and wellness systems. She has developed both a group and individual wellness program “eight weeks to fabulous”. Producer and choreographer of Polga (pole yoga) fitness videos for commercial sale. RYT (registered yoga teacher) with training through Yogafit as well as ACE and AFFA certified in Group Fitness Instruction. She is a Licensed Professional Counsellor with a BA in Psychology, and a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology. She is also holds the Guinness World Record for the “Largest Chair Dance”.
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