TaijiFit instructor , General Fitness Instructor , Martial Arts Instructor , Yoga Instructor
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11+ years Experience
Training in weaponry for over 25 years, Johnpaul Vincent combined numerous Japanese and Chinese styles of sword play into one practical method called Bukido , the way of weapons. By stripping away some of the traditions and getting to the nitty gritty of sword combat Johnpaul has brought the mystic of the sword to the common man, helping to build their inner hero. Learn how utilizing the sword in a cardio inspired workout can tighten the arms, legs and everything in between.
Partnered up with DeAnna Dimmitt, Ace certified personal trainer, TaijiFit Flow instructor, founder of Mind Body Methods, DeAnna brings a new level of physical fitness programs to Red Lotus. Her background in Tai' Chi, Yoga, and functional mobility training allows her to not only teach students how to move but how to achieve the greatest results in the shortest amount of time. Together these instructors will help you balance the mind and train the body.
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